There was once a man, a man without a name, face, voice, or past. This man enjoyed observing people, places, and things. He was at least 7 ft. in height, extremely slender, and always wore a large black raincoat with gloves and the collar pulled up and closed as if it were a mask. Despite his unusual form, it was as if none could see him. No one ever approached him, yet they did not seem to avoid him either. One day, the man in black decided to test weather or not anyone could see him, so he went to a park. As he stood waiting he began to ponder how he might get someone's attention, since he could not speak he decided that he would simply touch their shoulder. Soon, a man dressed in a grey business suit came walking by, paying no mind at all to the man in black. As the man came closer and closer, the man in black summed up his courage. Then, the man in black grabbed the right shoulder of the man in grey. The man in grey showed no notice what so ever, he simply kept walking. The man in black did not understand, as the man in grey walked to a silver car, opened the door, went in, and began to drive away. The man in black watched the car, as it drove into an intersection. Then, CRASH! the car was rammed in its side by a bus. The man in black ran to the scene of the silver car, only to discover that the man in grey was dead. Then, a translucent image of the man in grey stepped out from the corpse. He turned his head to the man in black, then said "Hello, I see you're very punctual. Take me to my resting place, I'm ready when you are.", and gave his hand to the man in black. The man in black stared at the man in grey, who was smiling quite contently, and took his hand. The next thing they knew, they were in a vast red desert, the man in grey turned to him and said with a small frown "Well, can't say I'm glad to be in hell. That's my fault though, thank you anyway Mr.Reaper". The man in black simply nodded. (End)